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Android claims 47pc of 2011 device impressions: study


  Android snapped up 47 percent of device impressions on Millennial Media’s network in 2011 followed by Apple devices with 33 percent, according to the mobile ad network’s latest report. In Millennial Media’s 2011 year in review report looked at overall trends and impressions across the network and compared the findings to 2010. Additionally, the report found a growing number of activity occurring from tablet devices. “Android had an impressive year in 2011 and grew their operating system market share on our platform,” said Mack McKelvey, senior vice president of marketing at Millennial Media, Baltimore, MD. “One reason for this is the diversity of phones running the OS, and last year, Android devices made up 13 of the top 20 phones on our platform,” she said. Mobile share According to the report, Android claimed 30 percent of device impressions in 2010, showing the growth that the platform has seen in the past year. Overall, Android impressions grew 504 percent year-over-year. Also in 2010, iOS devices claimed the No. 1 spot with 41 percent of overall impressions. However when it comes to manufacturers, Apple continued to claim the top spot in 2011 with 26.45 percent of market share. Apple’s iPhone reigned as the top mobile phone for impressions with 14.67 percent of market share, representing a seven percent year-over-year dip. Rounding out the top three manufacturers was Samsung with 16.8 percent and HTC with 14.11 of market share each, showing that although Android is strong it is highly fragmented. Research in Motion claimed 12.84 percent of market share in 2011, increasing slightly from 2010’s 11.6 percent. Wi-Fi networks claimed 27 percent of impressions in 2011, marking a 21 percent year-over-year growth that shows consumers are relying more on personal wireless networks to access data and information from their handsets with larger bandwidths including mobile video and music. For carriers, Verizon claimed the top number of impressions with 19 percent of impressions followed by Sprint with 14 percent. T-Mobile claimed nine percent of impressions and AT&T claimed 9 percent of impressions. Mobile touch The report also looked at how impressions differed across different types of mobile devices. Touch screen mobile devices accumulated to 57 percent of overall market share, representing a 25 percent year-to-year increase that represents the trend that mobile phones are increasingly being designed for touch screens. QWERTY phones made up 13 percent of overall impressions. Touch screens and QWERTY phones combined made up 18 percent of overall market share. Smartphhones as a whole made up 68 percent of overall activity, which is an increase from 55 percent in 2010 and signals the growth that the devices have seen over the past year. Feature phone impressions decreased from 31 percent in 2010 to 17 percent in 2011, showing that although the devices are still prevalent there is a uptick in more sophisticated mobile activity with in-app and mobile Web advertising. Millennial claims to handle more than 7,000 mobile devices and types in its network and uses more than 28,000 mobile apps to serve ads. Given the number of new tablet launches in 2011 with Motorola, Apple, Samsung, Sony, HTC, Dell, RIM, HP and Amazon, the devices played an increased role in Millennial’s 2011 findings and will be important for 2012. In 2011, we saw an influx of new tablet devices enter the market, and they made a noticeable impact on our platform,” Ms. McKelvey said. “Impressions coming from a touch screen device for example grew 25 percent year-over-year and made up 57 percent of all the impressions we saw,” she said. “This can partially be attributed to the rise of tablets.”