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Apparel brands should promote celebrity endorsements via Twitter for best results: report


Three-quarters of female social media users who are more likely to use brands or products associated with celebrities have Twitter profiles and are more likely to use Twitter over other platforms as a source of inspiration, according to a new report by NetBase. The “Social Channels for Influence for Apparel” report found that women use social media platforms differently when making decisions about certain kinds of apparel. Knowing where your audience is drawing fashion inspiration from can be a big help for brands in targeting that audience. “Although Twitter is not top social channel of influence, the women who are inspired by Twitter, are the ones who are most likely to buy products that celebrities like,” said Lisa Joy Rosner, CMO of NetBase, Mountain View, CA. “These women are three-to-four times more likely than other females social media users to look to Twitter when they are looking for inspiration,” she said. ‘This means that luxury brands should build Twitter into their endorsement plan and identify the right celebrities for your target shopper.” The Social Channels of Influence for Apparel report surveyed 1,005 women in the United States who are at least 18 years old and have a profile on one or more social networks. The data was collected in May and was weighted to reflect the U.S. population. Social influencers The report found that women are most likely to trust experts on blogs and online message boards when seeking advice or inspiration on apparel for work or special events. For casual clothing, women are more likely to trust and seek inspiration from friends on Facebook. But for active and fitness-wear, women look at Facebook and more visually driven found on Pinterst. Brands should remember to create visual components when promoting products online to drive consumer interest. "Think visual, so have a good Pinterest and Instagram strategy," Ms. Rosner said. "Also, make sure to identify top bloggers and join that conversation, understand what is being said and make those sites part of the digital plan," she said. Nordstrom Pinterest page Twitter was only found to be a big influencer for women if celebrities were involved. Out of all the women who said they strongly agree with the statement “You are more likely to use brands or products associated with celebrities you like” 47 percent have social media profiles, and 75 percent of that group has Twitter profiles. Therefore, luxury apparel brands should make sure to work in celebrity endorsed products into their tweets to capture consumers’ attention. Dior's fragrance promotional tweet featuring actor Robert Pattinson Across networks The report also found that Hispanic women who are social media users are strongly influenced by online platforms. Twenty-five percent of female Hispanic social media users look to Facebook for inspiration, compared to 18 percent of all female social media users. Twenty-four percent of female Hispanic social media users look to Pinterest and 16 percent look to Instagram, compared to 14 percent and 18 percent of all women social media users, respectively. Luxury brands that have a large number of Hispanic customers should look to social media to promote their products and their brand. “Brands should consider the buying power of the Hispanic market,” Ms. Rosner said. “Constantly tap into the shopper voice across the social network to help guide your brand’s marketing plans,” she said. Final take Erin Shea, editorial assistant on Luxury Daily, New York