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SherpaReport releases inside look at private aviation

SherpaReport guide to private aviation SherpaReport guide to private aviation


With an overwhelming amount of private aviation options consumers will likely find comfort in increased knowledge of the industry, according to a recent guide by SherpaReport. The report compares private aviation options and offers insights into pricing, programs and aircrafts across several companies. SherpaReport’s “Guide to Private Aviation” will likely ease any concerns consumers may have previously held about private aviation and may persuade commercial airline customers to explore the private sector. “One of the things in the report is that we walk through the benefits of private aviation,” said Nick Copley, president of SherpaReport, Newton, MA. “For most people it is time saving, they can arrive 15 minutes before the jet takes off and fly directly, without layovers or stopovers,” he said. “There are many more airports that private jets fly into, there are over 5,000 airports for private and less than 500 for commercial. So, it is likely there is an airport closer to where you want to go.” “Guide to Private Aviation” is an updated guide by SherpaReport that provides a comparison of fractional ownership, fractional jet cards, charter cards and on-demand charter options for private jets. Choose the best option When one decides to download the report, they must first take a quiz that helps the consumer understand which flying options are the best for their specific traveling needs and habits. The guide begins with simple explanations for why one might want to choose private aviation. The benefits include time saving, convenience, privacy, flexibility, reduced stress and better service quality. SherpaReport Private Jet Private jet Guests on a private flight will have the ability to increase productivity through potential inflight business meetings or have more family time if traveling with loved ones. The types of aircrafts range from helicopters and turboprops to medium and heavy jets. The largest option, the heavy jet, can hold up to 16 passengers and can accommodate transcontinental or transoceanic flights. In the guide, passengers are given the criteria for choosing the best and right option for their needs. The top three items on the checklist are seating capacity, luggage space and distance to destination. Magellan Jet Magellan Jet Ownership options are also broken down for consumers. Fractional ownership is when one owns part of an aircraft and receives flight hours per year. Fractional jet cards allow consumers to use different jets for a specific amount of time. The larger the jet, the less amount of time allowed. Jet charter cards enables users to try different aircrafts at a predetermined fixed hourly rate. The last option is recommended for an infrequent traveler because it is an on-demand aircraft charter that allows members to pay as they fly. Magellan Jets, Sentient Jet and NetJets are highlighted in the report for their ownership options. The end of the repost offers a summary of the options available and also a glossary explaining the lingo used within the guide. Private growth With an increased consumer interest in private aviation, jet companies have dedicated more resources to their products. For instance, in response to the popularity of chartered jets, private aviator Jet Edge International enhanced its fleet with the addition of two new aircrafts. The charter company’s new additions included a Gulfstream GIVSP and a Gulfstream GIV, both of which align with Jet Edge’s large-cabin aircrafts already available. By building an impressive fleet of large-cabin jets, Jet Edge attracted travelers lured by the quality of private air transportation provided (see story). Similarly, private jet charter company Magellan Jets was recognized for its safety initiatives by the nonprofit Air Charter Safety Foundation. The ACSF has invited Magellan Jets CEO Joshua Hebert to join its Board of Governors, to use his experience to help support the foundation’s initiatives. Magellan was the first private jet company to be named to the ACSF, and this new appointment likely helped further position the brand as a leader in safety (see story). Keeping up-to-date with trends and regulations will help private aviation brands remain competitive. “By walking through the different options we provide clarity to understanding private aviation,” Mr. Copley said. “Ultimately [the guide] will hopefully bring brands more business because it aids in the understanding of their market place,” he said. “It helps potential costumers understand if private aviation is for them.” Final Take Nancy Buckley, editorial assistant on Luxury Daily, New York