Please click here to register for the China Outlook 2020 conference in Nov. 6 in New York
American Marketer and Luxury Daily’s China Outlook 2020 conference will aim to offer a roadmap to marketers targeting Chinese consumers and overseas travelers on what to expect next year, how to plan, execute, implement and measure marketing, retail and digital strategy, and what to do next with lessons learned from 2019. Agenda and registration below write-up.
China is arguably one of the fastest-growing markets worldwide, with Chinese domestic consumers and travelers overseas accounting for 40 percent of all global luxury sales.
Aware of the growth potential, brands and retailers are also coming to grips with another reality: more than 80 percent of luxury purchases in China are made by millennials and Gen Z versus 40 percent for those two generations for rest of the world.
The future has already arrived in China. And like it or not, luxury’s future is wedded to China’s well being.
But there is plenty of flux in the Chinese luxury market.
While sales are strong, many luxury brands are struggling to turn a profit in China. Platforms are the social, mobile, ecommerce and payment gateways to consumers, hindering brands from developing a direct relationship with consumers. Ubiquitous ecommerce and mobile adoption question the proliferation of bricks-and-mortar luxury stores except for branding. Grey market sales hurt brand equity and an astoundingly high return rate – 50 percent for goods priced $300 and up – with the presence of fakes disrupts sales.
On a macro level, trade issues with the United States may slow travel plans to that market, hurting tourism, hospitality, real estate, art, dining, fashion, watches, jewelry and education. Add to that government curbs on ostentatious purchases, turmoil in Hong Kong roiling sales of luxury goods, and a general slowdown in the Chinese economy.
The outlook for 2020, unsurprisingly, is not clear.
Do join us at China Outlook 2020 to have leading China hands help shape your strategy and tactics for the world's most promising luxury market. Email ads@napean.com for sponsorship queries. Agenda below.
Please click here to register for the China Outlook 2020 conference in Nov. 6 in New York
China Outlook 2020: Demand and Demanding
A joint presentation of American Marketer and Luxury Daily
Date and time: Nov. 6, 2019, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:50 p.m.
Venue: Roosevelt House, 47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
Price: $649
Bonus: China Outlook 2020 report
7:30 a.m. – 8 a.m.
Breakfast and Registration
8 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
Welcome Address
China: Of whom more is asked, more it expects
Host and event moderator: Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily and American Marketer
Breakfast Sponsor: [TBA]
8:15 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Opening Keynote
State of Luxury in China: Today and Tomorrow
What marketers should expect from Chinese consumers in the year ahead and how to shape and adapt strategy and tactics
Sarah Willersdorf, partner and managing director, Boston Consulting Group
8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Marketing and Consumer Dialogue
Marketing in China: Branding, Values, Pricing, What’s New and What’s Next
Iris Chan, partner and international client development director, Digital Luxury Group
How Foreign Brands Can Successfully Enter the Chinese Market and Merchandise Well
Becca (Yu) Zhou, NYU Stern MBA 2020 and former merchandising executive at LVMH and Nike in China
Luxury Consumer Patterns in China
Lauren Grech, CEO, LLG
Maximizing Interactions with a True Understanding of Chinese Consumers
Maryalice Mazzara, director of educational programs at the SUNY Global Center’s Office of Global Affairs, State University of New York
9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Retail and Platforms Dialogue
Retail Evolution to Revolution: Chinese Domestic and Overseas Shopping and Travel
ZJ Tong, president, ChinaPro Marketing Partners
Prioritizing Sustainable Growth Across Leading Social and Ecommerce Platforms
Lu Guo, CEO, UShopal
Cross-Border 2.0 and Demand Creation: Evaluation of the Onboarding Process
Jeffrey Chen, cofounder, ABC ShowcaseUSA
10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Sponsored Networking Break
11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Travel and Pursuits Dialogue
Future of Chinese International Travel
Richard Cutting-Miller, executive vice president, Resonance
Attracting Affluent Chinese Visitors to Shop New York Retail
Matthew Bauer, president, Madison Avenue Business Improvement District
The Affluent Chinese Art Collector
Interior Design Trends in China
Jamie Drake, cofounder, Drake/Anderson
12:15 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Closing Keynote
How Luxury Brands Can Create an Emotional Relationship with Chinese Consumers
China represents one of the greatest opportunities for luxury brands to attract consumers. However, recent communications gaffes from well-established luxury brands such as Givenchy and Versace reveal that these marketers might be missing a trick. Chinese culture is tremendously complex, layered and swiftly changing. It is critical that any brand, particularly those in luxury, understand, respect and create a meaningful emotional relationship with people in China today and into the future. Pulling from nearly a decade of proprietary global research from McCann Worldgroup’s Truth Central, and coupled with a deeply nuanced understanding of Chinese culture, this session will explore how brands can earn their place in the swiftly evolving luxury space in China.
Nadia Tuma-Weldon, senior vice president, McCann Truth Central
12:45 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
Next Steps for China 2020
Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily and American Marketer
Conference ends
Please click here to register for the China Outlook 2020 conference in Nov. 6 in New York