A dramatic and sudden shift in consumer behavior that began with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic is expected to continue through the holiday shopping season, according to a new survey from Qubit. More than half of consumers now do the majority of their shopping online, a change that Qubit warns retailers could be permanent after the pandemic. Shoppers are also less loyal to their favorite brands, posing another challenge to retailers. “Shopper behavior has changed radically since the pandemic spread globally and will continue to look different during the 2020 holiday season,” said Graham Cooke, founder/CEO of Qubit, in a statement. “Store closures that are not dictated by demand, but rather by the public health crisis, present an unusual scenario for brands, forcing unexpected and massive overhauls of their marketing and digital commerce strategies this year. Qubit’s survey was conducted in July 2020 with more than 800 consumers across the United Staes and United Kingdom. Ecommerce acceptance According to Qubit, half of consumers currently do more than 75 percent of all their shopping online — including buying groceries, apparel and beauty items. A quarter of shoppers do 90 percent of their shopping online. Two-thirds of shoppers have increased their online shopping during COVID-19, and 35 percent expect they will continue to shop more online than than they did before the pandemic. Less than 11 percent of respondents will do less online shopping than they did before COVID.
Online shopping has increased during the coronavirus pandemic. Image credit: Qubit