Please click here to download Luxury Daily’s Luxury Marketing Outlook 2012
One consistent bright spot in the sea of rough news is the outstanding performance of luxury marketers worldwide. Expect that trend to continue, bar some act of God or awful international incident.
Not a day goes by without some luxury brand or the other announcing new initiatives to better ingratiate themselves with their customers.
Be it social media, mobile marketing, email or glossy print, luxury marketers will continue their steady pace toward building better relationships with consumers who thirst for and stand by products of high quality, limited distribution and great perceived value in their eyes.
Hold the line
What last year taught all luxury marketers is that a brand’s values are not worth diluting even when the global economy is not where it should be. Holding the price line is critical, but so is not resorting to desperate marketing measures.
One trend that began last year and may have legs in 2012 is the sale of independent luxury labels to luxury conglomerates.
Such consolidation is reshaping the notion of luxury, particularly in the high-end market where exclusivity and nonpareil quality were the key charms. How to translate that into mass sales without losing the luxury brand’s mystique in this day and age of social and mobile media will be the challenge du jour.
As readers will notice, Luxury Daily’s Luxury Marketing Outlook 2012 is quite optimistic on the future of luxury marketing for branding and customer acquisition, retention and reactivation.
Reporters Rachel Lamb and Kayla Hutzler have spent considerable time assembling insight and analysis on what luxury marketers can expect in various marketing mediums and channels this year.
It is quite obvious that social media has caught the fancy of luxury brands. So has the lure of mobile Web sites and applications. Both are driven by consumer demand.
Print continues to hold its charm for high-end luxury brands looking to showcase their products in a desirable setting next to content that fits with the label’s values.
Artful insight
Please read Luxury Daily’s Luxury Marketing Outlook 2012 from cover to cover. Rachel and Kayla are owed thanks for their hard work. Kayla also patiently worked on the art direction to make this an easy read.
Our thanks also to the industry experts whose insights helped put this Classic Guide together. We hope you enjoy the read and are inspired to push the marketing envelope even further this year as luxury brands continue to hold their own in good times and bad.
Please click here to download Luxury Daily’s Luxury Marketing Outlook 2012