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Lexus joins the fight against childhood cancer via bold IS campaign


Toyota Corp.'s Lexus is teaming up with volunteer-driven charity St. Baldrick's Foundation to raise awareness of children's cancer leading up to St. Patrick's Day with a contest that promotes solidarity.

Fans are invited to shave their heads on their own or at a local St. Baldrick's event and create a 15-second Instagram video stating what bold action they will take if they win the $2,500 prize. Not only does the contest leverage the time-tested solidarity move of shaving one's head, but also furthers the IS promotion through the bold component, thus increasing the scope of people that could potentially get involved.

"Children’s charities are very important to Lexus," said Nancy Hubbell, prestige communications manager at Lexus, Torrance, CA. "Because kids with cancer often lose their hair during treatment, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation encourages people to go bald and show their support by shaving their heads voluntarily, and inspiring friends and family to donate money to support childhood cancer research.

"This organization has funded research that has changed lives and Lexus is proud to support St. Baldrick's and anyone who decides to make a statement and shave his or her head," she said.

St. Baldrick's Foundation grew from one head-shaving event in 2000 to more than 1,300 in 2012 to raise funds for childhood cancer. Select Lexus dealers will partner with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation for community events.

Shaving heads

The Lexus Bold IS contest asks participants to upload their video to the Lexus Bold IS registration page, where others can view submissions in a public gallery. Those interested have until March 18 to submit.

Videos will be judged based on creativity, how compelling the story is and the amount of likes garnered on the Web site.

Lexus Bold IS Web site Video

Ten contestants will win $2,500.

In a way, the event flips the normal structure of charity drives. Rather than asking fans to shave their heads and donate, the contest asks fans to shave their heads and campaign for likes to win money.

However, participants are urged to also raise money for the cause. Also, since the purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness, the structure seems more effective.

St. Baldrick's 2014 head-shaving events for kids' cancer research

Not only will the ardent advocates of cancer awareness participate, but ordinary people enticed by the prize and micro-fame will opt in.

For those too attached to their hair, Lexus will also be awarding $1,000 to a random person who signs up on the Web site and votes for his or her favorite video.

Lexus Bold IS campaign

Plus, Lexus is able to draw on its brand loyalists, since shaving one's head takes a bit of audacity.

Furthermore, the social media aspect of the campaign substantially increases its global reach and the sense of community fostered. Participants and viewers all over the world will be able to track the progress of the videos.

Finally, the buzz generated will inevitably inspire people to donate to St. Baldrick's Foundation.

"Lexus came to St. Baldrick’s because they were looking to make a bold statement on behalf of kids in need," said Heather Kash, senior director of Corporate relations and risk management for St. Baldrick's Foundation, Chicago. "The St. Baldrick’s Foundation was thrilled to participate in the program, as our signature head-shaving events provide a great way to combine our mission with the adventurous personality of Lexus IS drivers.

"In March alone, more than 700 St. Baldrick’s events will take place in cities across the U.S. and worldwide, where men, women and children will shave their heads to raise money for lifesaving childhood cancer research," she said.

Saving lives

Lexus achieves brand continuity with much of its campaigns. For the past year, the automaker has been concentrating on celebrating bold and innovative people.

For instance, Lexus is showcasing the works of three designers April 8-13 at Milan Design Week as part of its ongoing “Amazing in Motion” campaign.

The designers were tasked with conceiving a new and unexpected way of expressing the Amazing in Motion idea. Italian architect and designer Fabio Novembre, Japanese designer Nao Tamura and the Tangible Media Group led by Professor Hiroshi Ishii of the MIT Media Lab will have their work highlighted at the exhibition (see story).

Also, the automaker narrowed down a submission pool of 1,157 candidates to 12 winners for its 2014 Design Award.

The international competition garnered submissions from all over the world, with winners hailing from Germany, Italy, Israel, China, Taiwan, Vietnam and other countries (see story).

"The Lexus IS is a performance sedan with an adventurous personality and it takes someone with a bold personality and willingness to stand out from the crowd to go bald and raise awareness about children's cancers," Ms. Hubbell said.

Final Take
Joe McCarthy, editorial assistant on Luxury Daily, New York