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Announcing the Luxury Insights Summit New York April 29. Join us!

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Please click here to register for the Luxury Insights Summit 2015 in New York on Wednesday, April 29 Luxury is increasingly becoming a business not just of design or craftsmanship, but about the data that is generated by the growing number of omnichannel shoppers who prefer to research in one channel and shop in another. That’s what the Luxury Insights Summit 2015 in New York is designed to help luxury brands, retailers, agencies and publishers: make sense of the evolving consumer behavior based on the data and insights mined and put to use for customer acquisition, retention and reactivation. Join us on Wednesday, April 29 to learn from some of the smartest market researchers and ad agency and branding experts focused on luxury. Speakers include senior executives from YouGov, Interbrand, Shullman Research Center, Boston Retail Partners, McCann Truth Central, Havas Media, Ipsos and Wealth-X (agenda below). Registration is limited to only 75 attendees. Cost to register is $695 for the day, covering breakfast, lunch and cocktails. Interested in sponsorship? Please email ads@napean.com. Please click here to register for this daylong event at the Time & Life Building in midtown Manhattan. The Luxury Insights Summit 2015 is part of a series organized by Luxury Daily, including the Luxury FirstLook conference in January and the Luxury Retail Summit in September. The agenda is below: AGENDA Luxury Insights Summit 2015 Wednesday, April 29, 2015 A Napean presentation Venue Time & Life Building 1271 Avenue of the Americas 8th Floor Room ABC New York, NY 10001 7:30 a.m. – 8:25 a.m. Registration and Breakfast 8:25 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Welcome Address Luxury: In the Data Business? Speaker: Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Luxury Daily 8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Opening Keynote The Survey of Affluence and Wealth 2015 This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Survey of Affluence and Wealth, which is co-produced by YouGov and Time Inc. The survey is known for its depth of insight related to the lives, sentiments, spending habits and trends affecting the United States’ wealthy families and now includes coverage of wealthy families in 12 additional countries. With personal consumption increasingly concentrated at the top of the income and asset scale, developing strategies to win over the heads and hearts of affluent and wealthy consumers has never been more important to businesses that offer exceptional product quality. Attendees will be among the first to hear:  The latest trends from the Survey of Affluence and Wealth  The current mindset and mood of the global elite  The role of luxury brands in the decision-making process  What to expect in the year ahead Speaker: Cara David, managing partner, YouGov 9:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Break 9:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. Luxury in the Age of You Placing users at the center is not a new mantra or fad. It just is. And to meet this expectation, brands must figure out how to reorient themselves around individuals. The GAFA elite – Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple – respond quickly, with nimble, agile structures, and at once look like an infrastructure business or distribution channel, and the next moment appear as a new face of service or retail. Depending on one’s perspective, needs, and desires, they shift and take new shape. This session will answer:  How should luxury brands transform to survive amongst these new expectations?  How will authenticity, notions of community and exclusivity, or the use of data, affect a luxury brand's value proposition?  What opportunities remain untapped for luxury brands to meet and exceed consumer needs and desires?  Best-practice tips Speaker: Beth Viner, CEO, NY + SF, Interbrand 10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. The American Luxury Marketplace is Bigger than Many Luxury Marketers Currently Believe According to The Oxford Dictionary, “luxury” is defined as “an inessential, desirable item that is expensive or difficult to obtain.” This definition and others like it has resulted in many luxury marketers targeting only high income or wealthy consumers. Indeed, this is especially the case in the United States, which is the world’s No. 1 luxury marketplace. This session will discuss:  Who are today’s luxury buyers  Who are today’s luxury prospects  Who are luxury marketers currently targeting  What luxury marketers can do to grow in today’s luxury marketplace Speaker: Bob Shullman, Founder/CEO, The Shullman Research Center 11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Break 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Real-Time Retail: Digitizing the “Black Book" Consumers of luxury goods expect the highest levels of service, and innovative technology enables retailers to elevate the shopping experience with enhanced customer intimacy in real-time. When a customer walks in your door, do you know who they are if they opt-in? Do you know what is in their closet? Do you know what they abandoned in their online shopping cart this morning? Can you see current inventory at your store and all other stores in your chain – in real-time? Session attendees will learn:  Latest results from Boston Retail Partners’ CRM and POS retailer surveys and insights from luxury retailers  Interesting insights and perspectives on enhancing the customer experience  The retail store in the multichannel environment  Tips on real-time retail Speaker: Ken Morris, principal, Boston Retail Partners 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. Sponsored Lunch Break 1:15 p.m. – 2 p.m. Global Cultural and Consumer Perspectives Relating to Affluence and Luxury Speakers: Nadia Tuma, vice president and deputy director, McCann Truth Central Arvind Raman, strategist, McCann Truth Central, and brand journalist, McCann 2 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. Break 2:15 p.m. – 3 p.m. Technology and Luxury in the Omnichannel Shopping, Mobile Advertising and Digital Context From Uber to Airbnb, Netflix to Amazon, Yoox to Refinery29, marketers have seen a tranche of companies develop rapidly to replace incumbents in their marketplace. What binds them is how they have placed new technology and new behavior at their heart. These are not companies with a digital department – these are companies built for the digital age. Often true, luxury is about timelessness, touch and humanity, so how do marketers manage this tension? This session will discuss:  In the digital age, as technology blends into the background, what should brands do at a time where purchase paths meander from online to offline, where mobile becomes the consumer’s key access point to the Internet and where influencers can be anyone with a following  Identifying the tensions and opportunities for luxury brands in this age Speaker: Tom Goodwin, senior vice president of strategy and innovation, Havas Media 3 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. Break 3:15 p.m. – 4 p.m. New Insights on Luxury and Luxury Consumers As both luxury consumers and the overall business itself evolve, what is needed is consistent handle on strategy to move with the market. This presentation offers strategies for success based on the latest trends in luxury and in the lives of luxury consumers by synthesizing data from a series of global studies, including the Ipsos Affluent Survey, the World Luxury Tracker and the China Luxury Forecast. This session will include:  Luxury 2020: A look at the continued evolution of luxury, with a focus on the evolving language of luxury needed to effectively hit luxury consumers’ new emotional hot buttons. It will also offer a future-oriented perspective on how the continuing trend toward luxury experiences is reshaping many categories, with a particular focus on trends in luxury travel  Segmenting the luxury market: New approaches to defining key targets for the luxury offerings, with a detailed look at how mass-affluent consumers differ from the truly wealthy, particularly in a world of growing income concentration  Trends in luxury purchasing: Today’s purchase funnels are more complex and less funnel-shaped than ever. We will explore how luxury purchases are inspired, researched, made and shared, with a close-up on the role of social and mobile media in how consumers buy and experience luxury  The millennial impact: A look at how millennial perspectives are reshaping luxury interests, brand preferences, the media landscape and the American Dream itself Speaker: Stephen Kraus, chief insights officer of the Ipsos Affluent Survey, and co-author of The New Elite: Inside the Minds of the Truly Wealthy and Selling to the New Elite 4 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Break 4:15 p.m. Raffle for Dom Perignon 4:15 p.m. – 5 p.m. Closing Keynote State of the Ultra-High-Net-Worth Market Speaker: Lynn M. Raynault, vice president of global marketing, Wealth-X 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Sponsored Cocktails Please click here to register for the Luxury Insights Summit 2015 in New York on Wednesday, April 29 Hotels in the vicinity of the conference venue The Hilton New York 1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019; tel: 212-586-7000 Please click here for the Web site The Palace Hotel 455 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10022; tel: 212-888-7000 Please click here for the Web site The Bryant Park Hotel 40 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018; tel: 212-869-4446 Please click here for the Web site New York Marriott Marquis 1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036; tel: 212-398-1900 Please click here for the Web site Sheraton Times Square 811 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019; tel: 212-581-1000 Please click here for the Web site Car service Web sites and phone numbers Dial 7 Car & Limousine Service: 212-777-7777; http://www.dial7.com Carmel Car & Limousine Service: 212-666-6666; http://www.carmellimo.com Uber: http://www.uber.com Lyft: http://www.lyft.com Please click here to register for the Luxury Insights Summit 2015 in New York on Wednesday, April 29 Agenda is subject to change