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DVF matches customer donations to combat homelessness

DVF fall/winter 2016 DVF fall/winter 2016


U.S. fashion label Diane von Furstenberg is going dollar-for-dollar with philanthropic consumers to fight against homelessness among women.

DVF has recently partnered with The Empowerment Plan, a Detroit-based nonprofit that works toward breaking the cycle of homelessness for single women and their families. DVF teamed with The Empowerment Plan due to its relationship with its founder Veronika Scott, the recipient of the People’s Voice Award presented during the 2014 DVF Awards.

Giving back
Earlier this week, DVF announced its match campaign with The Empowerment Plan on social media, encouraging its global community to donate toward the nonprofit’s cause.

The first $50,000 raised by DVF enthusiasts will be matched by the brand for a total contribution of $100,000 to The Empowerment Plan.

Adding incentive, for each $30 dollars donated, consumers will be entered for the chance to win a DVF Wrap Dress.

Proceeds raised will help The Empowerment Plan continue its career training services for homeless women and their families. The nonprofit works with women living in local shelters and trains them to become full-time seamstresses.

Having a stable income can help women secure housing as well as provide independence and freedom.

DVF.the Empowerment Plan

Veronika Scott, CEO/founder of The Empowerment Plan with Star Lloyd; photo by Brian Kelly

DVF identifies with The Empowerment Plan’s mission as both the label and nonprofit see the importance of providing women with opportunities to better and gain control of their lives.

“Diane emanates all that we stand for and continues to prove that despite the struggles one may face, we are all able to accomplish greatness,” Ms. Scott said in a statement. “By matching the first $50,000 raised through this campaign, she is giving back to women looking to change the direction of their own lives by conquering their own fears.

“Her belief in our work will empower women facing homelessness to break that cycle and to become the person they have always wanted to be,” she said.

As of press time, DVF has raised $9,250 through Crowdrise.

When partnering with a philanthropic effort, brands often select nonprofits that aligns with their pillars.

For example, British fashion label Stella McCartney pounced on cat overpopulation through its support of the nonprofit activism organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

In the brand’s boutiques around the world, neon cats were installed in the windows, creating illuminated awareness for the campaign. As many luxury houses are put in PETA’s spotlight for alleged abuses, Stella McCartney is instead teaming up with the organization due to shared values and advocacy (see story).