Asian travelers value shared experiences

Published: November 28, 2018

Traveling is one of the preferred ways for consumers in the Asia-Pacific way to enjoy shared experiences, according to new research from YouGov and Priority Pass.

EY: In the business of luxury, sexiness still thrives

Published: November 28, 2018

The strong growth in casualization, the reduction in opportunities to use traditional formalwear, the extreme attention to the experiential component of purchasing, and the propensity to mix and match by all types of consumers are manifestations of a deeper evolution of taste and expectations.

How to Design Strong Case Studies

Published: November 23, 2018

Reflection is hip right now. Personal and professional mindfulness trends hype the benefits of contemplating and celebrating. For some, the act of reflection might mean meditation or journaling. For marketers, reflection often means building a case study.​​ The goal of case studies may be to attract new customers, present a new idea or promote yourself […]

The Murky Ethics of Data Gathering in a Post-Cambridge Analytica World

Published: November 23, 2018

Facebook changes its policies frequently, like a child switching up the rules to a game of his own making: a sly update when it’s personally beneficial, a knee-jerk pivot when in trouble. Everyone else—the platform’s users and advertisers—is left scampering and contorting to comply. The Cambridge Analytica scandal shed a light on the social platform’s […]

Market Research: the Entry-Level Job You Should Take

Published: November 23, 2018

Marketing is an exciting field with many well-paying jobs, such as brand strategist, content specialist and SEO manager. Only occasionally, though, is market research aspired to or sought after. Part of the reason is that the Internet of Things, SEO and search engine marketing have diffused traditional market research roles throughout organizations and renamed them […]

The New York Times ‘Truth’ Campaign Drives Digital Subscriptions

Published: November 23, 2018

The New York Times and Droga5 created the “Truth Is Hard,” the newspaper’s first brand campaign in a decade. The initial television ad, which debuted during the 2017 Academy Awards, featured simple black text on a white background. Each sentence began with “The truth is” and flashed through conflicting statements, such as “The truth is […]