Only 20pc of companies have a defined mobile strategy: report

Published: August 1, 2016

Many marketers still lack a mobile strategy, and while they are investing in mobile, without a clear focus those dollars may end up in the wrong place, according to a new report from Adobe and eConsultancy shared exclusively with Mobile Marketer, Luxury Daily’s sister publication.

Dirty truth about omnichannel retail

Published: August 1, 2016

The dirty secret of omnichannel retail – that is, secret to all but the people who suffer it every day – is that the smooth, polished, we’ve-got-it-all-together exterior that retailers present to consumers masks the reality.

Why September is the best month for acquiring mobile customers

Published: July 29, 2016

Retailers looking for an upper hand on mobile this holiday season may want to boost their efforts to drive installs in September, when acquisition costs are at their lowest while install-to-purchase rates are still high, according to a new report from Liftoff.