Lexus and Sephora lead among luxury brands on Forrester’s CX report

Published: June 22, 2020

Automakers and retailers were held by market researcher Forrester as the luxury sectors delivering good customer experiences, which consists of consistently meeting customers’ needs, hitting the right emotional notes and even having the goodwill among customers to forgive mistakes.

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Published: June 22, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

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Published: June 21, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Subscribe now: Full access to 90,000+ articles, reports, videos and images

Published: June 20, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Subscribe now: Full access to 90,000+ articles, reports, videos and images

Published: June 19, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Fraud in the Age of Coronavirus

Published: June 19, 2020

The type and volume of purchases has changed and spiked in certain industries, while the demographic of those making online purchases has shifted, too.

5 laws of post-pandemic financial recovery

Published: June 18, 2020

Avoid defining yourself solely by your products or services. Those criteria alone may create a limited view since certain products can become irrelevant as tough times change market demand.