April 14, 2015
Solomon Thimothy is founder/CEO of Clickx
You may already know the importance of creating an ad retargeting strategy, as 98 percent of traffic on any given Web site leaves without converting. How can you bring back those visitors and refocus their attention back onto your product?
You want an opportunity to reconnect with engaged, high-value visitors when they are visiting a completely different Web site. This is what ad retargeting does.
You may already have a retargeting plan for desktop versions of your Web site. Today, computers are only one of the devices that potential customers use to browse the Web. Why focus on only one way to reach your customers when you could be reaching them from every angle?
How much attention have you given to ad retargeting for mobile phones?
It is no secret that we live in a technology-driven world, and mobile phone usage makes up a huge part of that.
Your customers are using the Internet on their mobile devices just as much as they are on their computers.
In fact, it is likely that a majority of them are spending more time on their smartphones and tablets since these devices go everywhere they go and you can, too, if you take advantage of this.
It is hard to ignore the power of mobile retargeting and you will want to make sure that your ads are optimized for mobile phones. Mobile retargeting gives you the chance to reconnect with users as they are browsing on a mobile device.
Consider how often you use your mobile phone for Web browsing purposes. Your potential customers are doing the same. Ad retargeting for desktop versions of Web sites is only half of the equation to executing a comprehensive and successful ad retargeting campaign.
Ignoring mobile ad retargeting is causing you to lose new business
According to PRNewswire, mobile ads can lead to an 18 percent increase in ad retargeting sales.
On top of that, it also reported that those sales could come up to 13 times faster than desktop retargeting. On weekends – prime leisure time – conversion only drops by 6 percent, compared to desktop’s 30 percent.
Mobile ad retargeting strategies should be custom-tailored depending on your specific business and industry. There are different layers to consider when developing a mobile ad retargeting plan, so it is important to make sure you’re spending your advertising dollars in the right areas.
Looking to the future
Have you ever noticed a pop-up ad appear while playing a game on your mobile phone? Retargeting users based on the applications they use is a relatively new trend in mobile advertising that can further your reach with targeted audiences.
Because apps are almost exclusively used for smartphones and tablets, taking advantage of advertising within those apps could be lucrative for you and your business.
Discovering where your customer base is largely coming from can help determine what apps are they using and for which of those apps should you consider buying ad space.
To increase the chances of reaching your customers via mobile ad retargeting, consider the medium they are using and develop a plan according to their preferences, interests, and other ideological factors.
In-app advertising is still relatively new, and it may not be right for every business. That is why it is vital you spend time in the prepping stages to ensure a smooth execution.
NOW IS THE time to start building your mobile ad retargeting campaign. Be aware that there is more to it than just capturing the smartphone market – you must also consider tablet users, as their popularity continues to grow.
Creating a solid mobile ad strategy is more critical than ever to your overall ad-buying strategy. Without it, the job is only half complete.
Mobile ad retargeting is another tool in your arsenal that can help capture future customers and earn a second chance of re-engaging visitors who once visited your site.
Solomon Thimothy is founder/CEO of Clickx, Chicago. Reach him at solomon@oneims.com.
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