December 27, 2019
Message in a battle. Image credit: maslansky + partners
Luxury marketers this year have had to go through wrenching changes to gear themselves for an upcoming decade where consumers’ involvement with the brand, from start to finish, will be nearly total.
Here are 15 columns from this year that provoke thought and action:
Luxury consumers embrace 3Rs: Reduce, reuse and recycle
December 17, 2019
Luxury marketers and retailers are facing turbulent times with a new generation of wealthy customers embracing an enlightened set of values.
Brands must prepare for voice-first shopping
December 9, 2019
While there is certainly ambiguity on the exact number of consumers purchasing through smart speakers, many studies have cited a range of figures with 20 percent surfacing as an acceptable figure to use.
How influence works among the affluent
November 20, 2019
Today’s marketers are forever in search of the next breed of influencer. Megainfluencers, macroinfluencers, microinfluencers and nanoinfluencers are all in a marketer’s lexicon nowadays.
September 17, 2019
With more than 12,000 physical stores forced to close in the last decade in the United States alone, and ecommerce growing at a rate of 15 percent year-on-year over the same period, it is easy to see how the phrase “retail apocalypse” has developed such currency.
September 6, 2019
We have seen a shift from artistic and abstract representation to tangible and real imagery in fashion campaigns, and with it a raw, real lens of life.
Luxury retail at crossroads with digital inevitability
September 4, 2019
In 2018 ecommerce sales of luxury goods – which includes apparel, beauty products, perfume, jewelry and watches, leather goods and accessories – accounted for 8 percent of the more than $280 billion global luxury market.
12 luxury myths destroying your business
August 7, 2019
Plus some realities: Many brands are luxury pretenders who wrap their messages in luxury values, but deliver mass-market experiences at high prices. Oh, and many people in luxury today have expired mindsets with expired experience for a changing world.
Ownership is dead. Long live usership
July 19, 2019
The dominant economic model of the last 150 years is coming to a close.
Luxury brands face crisis of meaning
July 18, 2019
Luxury brands keep trying to up their prices by elevating their luxury value proposition, but the foundation on which they are trying to build that perception is shifting out from under them as the consumer’s idea of luxury and theirs no longer align.
How CMOs can boost customer retention
July 11, 2019
The length of the customer lifecycle is one of the reasons why marketers do not always have customer retention top of mind.
Most powerful marketing words your brand should use
July 5, 2019
These marketing words can help you boost conversions and improve the bottom line for your business.
Consumers shift from luxury products to experiences. How to reach them?
May 8, 2019
Baby boomers are entering a stage where less is more, and more than half of millennials say they value experiences over objects.
Must-know basics of trademark law for the luxury business
May 3, 2019
As an intangible right, trademarks cannot be protected with a security system – only the legal system keeps thieves at bay.
Digital KPIs for a transforming luxury landscape
January 31, 2019
With many more shoppers beginning their customer journeys online and on mobile, luxury retail decisions informed by rich, timely digital key performance indicators (KPIs) will prove vital for success.
10 questions to help brands prepare for the next crisis
January 2, 2019
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening my axe.” Thus said Abraham Lincoln.
Top 15 thought-leadership columns of 2018
Do you have something insightful to say to the world's leading luxury marketers? Submit a column, and here is how
Are you interested in penning a vendor-neutral thought-leadership piece? Please contact Mickey Alam Khan at with your idea. Luxury Daily prefers bold and insightful opinion, with a descriptive-prescriptive approach. There is no payment. For submission: Pieces submitted in a Word document are typically 700 words long, with the author's name, title, company, city, state and direct email address listed at the conclusion, along with a separately attached high-res color jpeg headshot (about 200dpi). Once the idea is approved, pieces are typically submitted in a couple of weeks. The column usually runs within four weeks of submission.
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