American Marketer
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Coronavirus killed the modern aspiration economy. What comes next?
May 8, 2020 By

How the fragility of the modern aspiration economy reveals the future of spending.

How AI can help retailers using markdowns to dispose inventory
May 8, 2020 By

Especially in retail, AI and machine learning are being used to generate smarter pricing methods, with 73 percent of retail executives expecting their companies to engage in intelligent automation pricing by 2021.

5 steps to compelling digital brand stories
May 7, 2020 By

As marketers continue to increase their focus on digital marketing, the top priorities will be on tactics that provide additional information, tactics such as organic searches, email marketing, paid search, and content marketing.

Filling 5 consumer needs to ensure your brand makes it through COVID-19
May 7, 2020 By

Economic upheaval on this scale will lead to a whole new group of brands that win and lose. Leaders everywhere are asking themselves how to make sure they are winners.

Filling 5 consumer needs to ensure your brand survives COVID-19
May 7, 2020 By

Economic upheaval on this scale will lead to a whole new group of brands that win and lose.

Shape of post-COVID-19 retail
May 6, 2020 By

When bricks-and-mortar retailers reopen worldwide, they will not simply return to business as usual. Here are a few ways I suspect they might adapt.

Voice of employee is brand’s greatest customer experience asset
May 6, 2020 By

Even as they make strides to listen to their customers better, brands might be ignoring a voice that is just as critical: the voice of the employee.

How luxury brands can innovate in digital
May 5, 2020 By

Brands have struggled to catch up with the connected, modern luxury customer, as the mechanisms they relied on to build exclusivity have disappeared.

Will brands need to reposition post-pandemic?
May 4, 2020 By

Just in: brand focus is not on the end customer, but on the communities to which they belong.

How HENRYs have redefined modern luxury
May 1, 2020 By

There is no question about it: brands looking to thrive and even just survive in today’s market are those that understand the millennial consumer. However, not all millennial consumers are created equal, especially when it comes to income and potential spending power.

7 rules for reinventing your luxury business model post-pandemic
April 30, 2020 By

Even though we now live in a digital world, most luxury goods and services brands operate like Industrial Age pipelines with rigid linear processes and high fixed costs.

The art of B2B storytelling
April 29, 2020 By

In today’s COVID-19 environment, storytelling becomes increasingly important.

What digital advertising players can learn from Spotify
April 28, 2020 By

The streaming music platform should serve as a role model when it comes to data privacy compliance and user choice.

Embrace the craftsmanship behind digital
April 28, 2020 By

As the world pauses for COVID-19, luxury brands have an opportunity to design, implement and diffuse digital technology throughout their organizations.

5 business agility lessons hard-learned amid the COVID-19 catastrophe
April 27, 2020 By

Mission critical elements of operational agility and what they mean for individual businesses and industry at large in the post-pandemic era.

How luxury transformed from opulence to populace, and what it means for brands
April 27, 2020 By

Drastic economic, cultural and social shifts bring upon novel needs, desires and even aesthetics. In a time of paradigm shifts, new categories capitalize on cracking niches in the cultural fabric.

6 actionable content strategy ideas during challenging times
April 27, 2020 By

Challenging times are opportunity disguised as problems – and brands must act fast. Brands need to be as useful as possible by combining purpose + practicality + creativity.

Attention, luxury brands: Post-pandemic you need to find your vital
April 24, 2020 By

Only six weeks ago, there were many ways to view the brands in your life. There were business-to-business brands and business-to-consumer brands, vertical categories and all kinds of ways to categorize them. Now there are just two: vital brands and non-vital brands.

Attention, brands: Post-pandemic you need to find your vital
April 24, 2020 By

Only six weeks ago, there were many ways to view the brands in your life. There were business-to-business brands and business-to-consumer brands, vertical categories and all kinds of ways to categorize them. Now there are just two: vital brands and non-vital brands.

7 ways to use AI to boost your sales
April 23, 2020 By

Nowadays, with the help of artificial intelligence, the customer is in control: able to research, ask questions, receive support and, in some cases, even purchase 24/7 without human intervention.

Experts’ predictions on the future of travel
April 21, 2020 By

What are travel experts predicting for the future of travel post-COVID-19 pandemic?