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State of digital payments acceptance in US online retail
April 20, 2020 By

Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, Google Pay: alternative payments are a hot topic. And they are key to seamless checkout experiences, especially while consumers shop on their smartphones.

EU high court rules Amazon not liable for stocking infringing items sold by merchants on its platform
April 17, 2020 By

On April 2, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that online marketplace Amazon was not liable for trademark infringement for stocking infringing items for third-party sellers. The opinion failed, however, to address whether Amazon’s deeper involvement in many sales could be a basis for liability.

Below-the-line marketing may be key to new brand experience
April 16, 2020 By

As the opt-in nature of marketing continues to increase, brands will need to offer the consumer more reasons to interact with them.

Luxury market will take years to recover from COVID-19
April 15, 2020 By

What once was a shining light in the consumer market has now gone dark and threatens to stay dark for quite some time.

Right discount: Best coupon marketing strategies for 2020
April 15, 2020 By

Seventy-one percent of consumers report “quality of offering” as the greatest decider of loyalty, meaning a company with a quality product succeeds where a company that only has discounts on inferior products cannot.

Managing remote teams: 8 mistakes to avoid
April 15, 2020 By

With all face-to-face interaction currently replaced by technology, how can managers maintain their relationships with their team members?

12-step pre-recovery checklist for CEOs
April 14, 2020 By

When we begin to see a turn in the COVID-19 pandemic, the most important responsibility for business leaders will be to prepare a game plan towards full recovery.

Implications for the fashion, apparel and beauty industries due to the coronavirus
April 14, 2020 By

The $400 billion U.S. fashion industry employs more than 4 million people, excluding retail positions. Retail positions continue to be the largest private sector employer, supplying as many as one in four jobs.

Coronavirus impact on marketing budgets
April 13, 2020 By

Reduced consumption leads to a decrease in the number of purchased advertisements.

US government stimulus to help lockdown-affected brands and retailers has contradictory provisions
April 10, 2020 By

It is impossible to discuss all aspects of the 880-page U.S. CARES Act in a short article, but a few sections may be of interest to the luxury market, particularly as they relate to their sales departments.

Splurge, not save: The changing dynamics of the Indian luxury consumer
April 9, 2020 By

Fueled by access to the Internet and international trends, aspiring Indians want enhanced experiences that make their lives better. Cash-rich, time-poor middle class and upper middle class Indians are driving the rise in spending across categories.

An ode to the display banner ad more than 25 years later
April 8, 2020 By

The problem with display ads has never been the ads themselves, but poor measurement. Truth is, display ads are far more effective and valuable than given credit.

Can Gucci do the renegade? Luxury brands in the era of TikTok
April 7, 2020 By

Unlike Instagram and Facebook, which serve as sources of news and social activism, TikTok remains a place for humor and entertainment, even in the face of the global healthcare crisis.

How the COVID-19 coronavirus – and my own diagnosis – changed how I do business
April 7, 2020 By

COVID-19-infected British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s admittance yesterday to the St. Thomas Hospital in London after a deterioration in his condition brings to the fore a key issue: How to lead in a time of crisis, especially during a healthcare pandemic, when the leader himself is stricken?

Communications in a pandemic: Why now is not the time for silence
April 6, 2020 By

Many marketers have come out describing this time of crisis as a “tightrope” for brands: those who engage with the crisis risk being seen as disingenuous, and those that continue with commercial activity risk being perceived as tactless.

How Raoul Shah, a peripatetic agency exec, collected 500-plus “Do Not Disturb” door signs and begat a tome
April 6, 2020 By

Consumers collect all sorts of odds and ends on their travel. But the founder and joint CEO of creative communications agency Exposure has spent 39 years on a particular interest: collecting “Do Not Disturb” signs from hotels and resorts he has visited on his travels globally.

With no trade shows, ramp up PR, content marketing and digital outreach
April 3, 2020 By

With most trade shows and other industry gatherings canceled at least through mid-year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, how can you keep your 2020 marketing plans relevant and thriving?

How resale, rental and flex payments can put luxury within reach – especially now
April 3, 2020 By

While luxury brands grapple with how business can rebound, they should consider a multitude of ways to democratize and knock down the barriers to entry.

COVID-19 to have “limited impact on China’s overall economic growth”: Chinese academic
April 2, 2020 By

Reaffirms faith in Bain forecast that overall luxury market in China will continue to sustain a compound annual growth of 9 percent to 10 percent through 2030.

Finding unexpected value in unprecedented times
April 2, 2020 By

Fear is serving as a crippling agent to some, while others choose to see possibilities.

Preparing to reignite your luxury business post-pandemic
April 2, 2020 By

Tough times bring out the best in most human beings and institutions. For luxury marketers preparing to reignite their businesses post-pandemic, it is key to stay adaptable, agile and sustainable during the next several weeks and months