Mobile purchasing maintains upwards trajectory: BRP

Published: March 4, 2019

As consumers’ usage of mobile continues to grow and the number of shoppers who are comfortable purchasing via smartphones also rises, luxury retailers and brands need to keep their mobile offerings at the forefront.

American Marketer RSS feeds

Published: March 2, 2019

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based content distribution format that lets you access partial content from a Web site. Our Luxury Daily feeds include headlines and summaries which link back to where you can read the full stories. Feel free to add our Luxury Daily RSS feeds to your news reader. Click on […]

Subscriber Agreement and Terms of Use

Published: March 1, 2019

SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT AND TERMS OF USE This Web site, mobile site and/or app, as the case may be (individually or collectively, “Web site(s)”) is operated by Napean LLC d/b/a American Marketer (“us/we/our/American Marketer”). “You/your” means you as a user of the Web site. “User” means all users of the Web site. By using the Web […]

Luxury brands need to change their marketing strategy for India

Published: March 1, 2019

Luxury brands that entered India are still not marketing themselves correctly, considering the potential of the market. These brands follow an approach of creating a niche that has been their go-to strategy in Western markets.

Ad fraud is rapidly evolving – and the threat is serious

Published: February 28, 2019

The billions already wasted in annual ad fraud will look like peanuts compared to what the World Federation of Advertisers forecasts for 2025: $50 billion in annual ad fraud, translating to some $137 million in fraudulent activity each day.