Subscribe now: Full access to 90,000+ articles, reports, videos and images

Published: July 22, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Subscribe now: Full access to 90,000+ articles, reports, videos and images

Published: July 21, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Subscribe now: Full access to 90,000+ articles, reports, videos and images

Published: July 20, 2020

We invite you to subscribe to Luxury Daily and join the ranks of the smartest luxury marketers worldwide. Our subscribers include decision-makers and executives from the world’s leading luxury brands, retailers, agencies, publishers, market researchers, universities and consultancies.

Winning back the luxury consumer

Published: July 20, 2020

More than half of customers actively try to touch as few items as possible when shopping and try to avoid interacting with employees whenever possible – a troubling trend for the luxury sector, where touch and feel are everything and personal relationships are critical.