American Marketer


Kering blends affinity for film, sustainability in co-produced documentary

October 8, 2015

kering_ice_&_sky_185_3 Ice & Sky poster


French conglomerate Kering is furthering its environmental efforts by co-producing a feature-length documentary about climate change.

“Ice & Sky,” directed by Luc Jaquet, takes a look back on the story of Claude Lorius, whose study of climate and glaciers made him an important figure in the discovery of global warming. Kering’s involvement in this film brings a new facet to the group’s work to help protect the planet.

Film for a cause
On Oct. 7, Kering premiered the film to 500 guests at an event in Paris, and the film will be distributed to theaters across France beginning Oct. 21. This places the release right before the COP21 talks happening in Paris from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11.

Mr. Jaquet’s previous work includes 2005’s “March of the Penguins.” In this new work, the director goes to Antarctica with Mr. Lorius, now 82, to retrace his scientific study of ice that proved the impact humans are having on the planet.

In 2007, Kering supported the film “Home” by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Luc Besson, which also brought to light the need for environmental awareness and protection.

Also, Kering is looking to drive awareness and progress within its own organization—and more widely—with the creation of a new methodology that uses financial terminology to measure environmental impact.

The formulas and methodology the group used for its Environmental Profits & Loss Account (E P&L) will be open-sourced, enabling any competitor or company in another industry to value their own “natural capital” gains and losses. Kering recognizes that as only one company among many using the same suppliers, various companies will have to work together to enact change (see story).

“A pillar of today’s culture, cinema is one of the most powerful ways to bring people together and bring their attention to global issues. Kering decided to co-produce Ice & Sky as the film resonates deeply with our Group’s beliefs, be it in terms of the importance of environmental awareness and education, or the necessity to adopt more sustainable practices.” said François-Henri Pinault, CEO & chairman of Kering, in a statement.