American Marketer


Rolls-Royce hosts art auction on production line

September 20, 2019

Rolls-Royce Dine on the Line Rolls-Royce will host a philanthropic event at Goodwood. Image credit: Rolls-Royce


British automaker Rolls-Royce is bringing together art lovers and car enthusiasts at a unique philanthropic event.

Taking place Sept. 21, proceeds from “Dine on the Line” will benefit allergy research at a local children’s hospital. The event will also shine an artistic spotlight on the Rolls-Royce Phantom through a creative collaboration.

“The Home of Rolls-Royce will open its doors to an all-star gathering of art world aficionados in aid of allergy research at Evelina London Children’s Hospital,” said Torsten Müller-Ötvös, CEO at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, in a statement. “An exclusive dinner will be held on the Rolls-Royce production line where an auction featuring donated artworks from some of the world’s most prestigious artists will take place.”

Automotive artwork
The event will be hosted at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood.

Auctioneer Simon de Pury will conduct an auction of selected pieces by artists Jake and Dinos Chapman, David Yarrow, Harland Miller and Mary McCartney.

The auction highlight will be a new Rolls-Royce Phantom. The winning bidder will have the opportunity to have British artist Marc Quinn create an artwork using the Phantom as a canvas.

Additionally, British artist Jonathan Huxley will create a new piece of art during the event. Los Angeles-based media artist Refik Anadol will present a piece created with data sets relating to the color of every Rolls-Royce car made in the last decade at Goodwood (see story).

Medley of color: Foundation of new Rolls-Royce digital art by media artist Refik Anadol. Image credit: Rolls-Royce

Foundation of new Rolls-Royce digital art by media artist Refik Anadol. Image credit: Rolls-Royce

Rolls-Royce has a well-known history of supporting philanthropic causes, including its tradition of allowing employees to pick one cause per year that the company supports through a number of initiatives.

In 2018, the chosen charity was The Ickles Pickles Partnership, a group dedicated to providing neonatal care units to premature and sick babies. By placing the decision of which charities to support directly in employees’ hands, Rolls-Royce is helping them forge a connection and creating a more personal investment in support for that charity (see story).