American Marketer


Tatler tackles “knotty topic” of children’s education in annual live event

August 4, 2016

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Condé Nast’s Tatler is bringing its insider knowledge of the British school system to a live audience with the second edition of Tatler Schools Live.

On Oct. 10, Tatler will host its second annual seminar series that draws on the expertise of the publication and headmasters at some of the United Kingdom’s most renowned prep and public schools. The live event is based on one of Tatler’s signature editorial features, the Tatler Schools Guide (see story).

Learning for all
For more than a decade, Tatler has published the annual Tatler Schools Guide where the publication reviews 225 of the top prep and public schools in the U.K. By doing so, the title has embedded itself in education, a pillar that its parent company Condé Nast has strengthened recently (see story).

Based on the success of the inaugural Tatler Schools Live, Tatler will bring the series back for a second year on Oct. 10. The day-long event will be held at the Jumeirah Carlton Tower, Knightsbridge in London.

tatler schools guide 2016

Last year's Tatler Schools Guide

“We are supremely fortunate that the uniquely well-informed and well-connected school expert and Tatler’s Schools Guide head researcher Lucy Williams has once again agreed to curate Tatler Schools Live!” said Kate Reardon, editor of Tatler in a statement. “I shall be sitting nerdishly front and center, with my pencil eagerly sharpened -- just like every other parent who is overawed and sometimes baffled by the whole knotty topic of their children’s education. “

During the event Tatler will bring together the top headmasters and headmistresses from the top prep and public schools in London and elsewhere in the U.K. The day will also see talks from education specialists and experts of children’s well-being.

It is Tatler’s goal that parents who attend will have ample opportunity to ask questions and settle any concerns they have regarding their children’s education through Q&A, seminars and debates.

The day will be led by British television personality Mary Nightingale. Topics covered include gendered or co-ed schools, what country schools can offer, boarding versus day schools and other related topics.

Tatler Schools Live!

Confirmed speakers include Sir Anthony Seldon, vice chancellor of the University of Buckingham and former master of Wellington College. Other speakers represent education institutions such as Alleyn’s School, King’s College School, Wimbledon, Marlborough College and Witham Hall, among others.

“Last year’s event was a huge success for both parents and head teacher and we are delighted to be hosting it again,” said Patricia Stevenson, publishing director at Tatler, in a statement. “The Tatler Schools Guide is the authority on private education and a must-read for parents seeking advice on the best private schools in the U.K.

“Tatler Schools Live! goes one step further by providing a forum for discussion on the most crucial educational issues,” she said.

Tatler Schools Live! is produced in association with Harrods and BMW. Tickets can be purchased here.