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5 ways to optimize your resume for AI tools that recruiters use
August 30, 2023 By

These days, there is almost always a robotic gatekeeper standing between your resume and an actual human’s eyeballs.

Debunking 6 common market research myths
August 25, 2023 By

Making decisions based on internal opinion versus getting an objective, outside view from relevant prospects and customers has led more than one company to throw good money after bad on product development and marketing. 

Is your app ADA compliant?
August 4, 2023 By

Regulators have taken a statute that focused on bricks-and-mortar locales and applied it to digital goods and services, such as websites, mobile applications, kiosks and other technology.

Using AI to enhance retail experiences
July 27, 2023 By

Understanding where each customer is in their purchasing journey and where they are getting stuck or abandoning the experience is a huge benefit to retailers.

Harnessing AI: How to mitigate risks
July 24, 2023 By

While there are a multitude of applications for generative AI, marketing is one of the areas that has made the greatest inroads while still being susceptible to the greatest risks.

Green IT: Next era of enterprise tech is sustainable
July 18, 2023 By

Information and communications technology alone will comprise almost 14 percent of the world’s total carbon emissions by 2040 – up from just 1.5 percent in 2007.

Try this: Tesla and Airbnb’s bottom-up thinking vs. national down
July 17, 2023 By

Rather than looking top down to start with brand visibility, Tesla and Airbnb looked bottom up to start with consumers.

Leveraging emerging, overseas real estate markets for retirement
July 13, 2023 By

The demand for a more adventurous, deluxe lifestyle is driving baby boomers –150 million in Europe and America, according to recent census data – to look abroad for second or third homes.

One overlooked element of executive safety: Data privacy
July 6, 2023 By

In the United States, there is essentially no limit to the amount of data companies can collect, and few limits on how they can use it.

Engineering Las Vegas hospitality for CX and efficiency
June 26, 2023 By

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, technology plays a vital role in enhancing guest experiences, optimizing operations and improving overall efficiency.

Upping the retail experience with conversational search
June 22, 2023 By

Most ecommerce users often enter queries consisting of three words or less, leading to potential ambiguities and suboptimal search outcomes.

Legal issues as in-office versus remote work debate ratchets up
June 20, 2023 By

There are several legal intricacies related to an employer’s workplace flexibility that are now gaining more serious attention.

Benefits of embracing the customer effort score
June 13, 2023 By

Bad customer interactions are putting more than $4.7 trillion in sales at risk every year.

How retail marketers can profitably clear inventory
June 9, 2023 By

The usual approach – clearance sales – are not going to help retailers get out of their current inventory-glut jam and build the runway they need to hit their longer-term goals.

Generative AI’s role in reshaping brands’ audio marketing
June 8, 2023 By

For brands, advertisers and media publishers ready to harness it strategically, generative AI offers a unique, scalable, symbiotic answer to the engagement challenge.

Young Chinese consumers optimistic about future
May 30, 2023 By

Despite some lingering pessimism, the overall inclination reflects promising growth in optimism and belief in China’s trajectory.

Strategy behind Amazon’s $10 offer to pick up orders in-store
May 30, 2023 By

Amazon is seeking to increase foot traffic in its stores and gather customer behavior data for strategic planning and network design.

Asia’s embrace of luxury products, experiences
May 26, 2023 By

Millennial and Gen Z consumers, who form a significant portion of Asia’s luxury market, have redefined the very meaning of luxury.

Luxury set to buck the frugal trend
May 26, 2023 By

Bain & Company projects that the luxury goods market will continue to experience positive growth, rising by 60 percent in value by the end of the decade.

The niche world of ultra-luxury brands
May 25, 2023 By

The luxury world is dominated by mega brands and luxury groups such as LVMH, Chanel or high-end car marques who have the marketing might and mass-market appeal to launch multiple products across many price points to the widest audience. But there is a whole universe of brands that only service a handful of customers.

AI-powered chatbots will boost fashion CX
May 25, 2023 By

AI-powered chatbots can help provide better product discovery and recommendations, improved customer satisfaction, decreased return rates and better conversion and retention.