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Preparing for Gmail’s passive opt-out unsubscribe feature
May 9, 2018 By

Google’s Gmail recently announced several updates to its platform, including the release of a new unsubscribe feature that gives users the option to automatically unsubscribe from emails with which they have not engaged recently, potentially in the past month.

Tech trends that will define luxury
May 8, 2018 By

The definition of luxury has now become less to do with its high prices, the look or its unlimited amenities.

Measuring personalization: Moving beyond campaign-centric metrics
May 7, 2018 By

Currently, every technology offers a dashboard purporting “invaluable insights,” but all too often these are simply visualizations of convenient, surface metrics. Relying on these can put a business at risk.

Luxury brands must take control of their digital ops
May 4, 2018 By

It was once thought that consumers of high-end luxury goods would not make expensive purchases online and on mobile. This belief – which has been held for well over a decade – might just be coming to an end.

How iconic luxury brands are satisfying the sampling economy
May 3, 2018 By

Driven by the different consumption behavior introduced by the sharing economy, which is expected to surge to $335 billion by 2025, consumers are less swayed by the traditional tactic of promoting exclusivity.

24 critical issues, challenges and trends emerge at Luxury Marketing Council strategy summit
May 2, 2018 By

Select members of the Luxury Marketing Council gathered at the View Fort Estate in Anguilla to discuss how the luxury market worldwide is evolving.

The new luxury mindset
May 1, 2018 By

Although traditional luxury brands have been looking to their high-earning consumers for direction, many are missing the other half of the equation – consumers who employ a luxury mindset.

Dior has fastest-loading mobile, desktop sites in luxury in past 6 months
April 30, 2018 By

Catchpoint’s newest analysis of site performance (speed) in the luxury ecommerce sector highlights a clear recognition of the importance of Web-based sales and, by extension, superior Web performance to fuel these sales.

Can you hear what your customers are not saying?
April 27, 2018 By

If you listen closely, your customers leave big clues about the wishes and needs of which they might not even be aware.

Challenging stereotypes of Gen Z: What luxury brands should know
April 25, 2018 By

It is now crucial for luxury brands to observe the consumer behavior of those born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s. Studies suggest that Generation Z is increasingly rejecting social media and growing immune to marketing.

Millennials set to disrupt luxury real estate market
April 24, 2018 By

Affluent millennials do not buy the idea that bigger is better when considering a home. They do not want the McMansions that boomers and Gen-Xers favored.

Do not slow digital’s growth
April 23, 2018 By

U.S. companies continue to be the clear leaders in the worldwide digital economy. Consequently, we should be extremely careful to avoid any proposed steps that could hobble or undermine this sector.

Chasing status: Keeping up with the changing definition of premium
April 20, 2018 By

You may not associate the rise of Uber, Airbnb and Amazon with premium living – at first. But actually, getting exactly what you want and when you want it at the tap of an application challenges an idea at the heart of traditional premium and luxury brands.

Chanel lawsuit: When can another marketer use Chanel’s brand?
April 18, 2018 By

What makes this case notable is that many of the activities that Chanel complains about involve social media and other 21st-century means of promotion. The case could be a landmark in drawing the line between permissible and impermissible uses of a brand by third parties.

Rolex wins, Tiffany loses? Contrasts in luxury
April 17, 2018 By

Tiffany, as a quintessentially American luxury brand, faces broader cultural headwinds as it seeks to export its brand of luxury onto the world stage.

Big-brand control, synthetic diamonds bedevil jewelry business
April 17, 2018 By

Everyone in the jewelry industry knows that business is tough now. People are struggling to pay their bills, nothing is selling, and inventory is lying around.

7 critical areas for store-channel improvement
April 13, 2018 By

The Luxury Institute recently held its second round of intimate and confidential individual interviews with top-performing in-store sales associates across the spectrum of top-tier luxury and premium brands. It also crosschecked the findings with store managers and retail heads to confirm the results.

How I did it: Claremont Rug Company’s Jan David Winitz
April 11, 2018 By

For nearly four decades I have had the privilege of selling precious tangible assets to an ultra-high-net-worth clientele. From a client base of a few dozen in the San Francisco Bay Area, our clientele now resides on five continents and includes more than 75 Forbes’ list billionaires.

How South Africa’s Coco Safar appeals to the environmentally conscious luxury consumer
April 9, 2018 By

Luxury travelers are increasingly more conscious of their environment, motivated by the internal journey that accompanies these types of personally relevant physical experiences.

Ecommerce strategizing around data, personalization and omnichannel
April 4, 2018 By

There are technologies in the market to help aid in personalization relating to brands knowing what products to show the consumers, how quickly you see a product on a page, and in what order to show certain products.

5 product categories driving Canada’s luxury market
April 3, 2018 By

Canada is becoming home to a rapidly increasing population of affluent residents, with growth surpassing that of the United States.