American Marketer
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The fashion business must slow down
February 9, 2018 By

Designers, buyers, showroom directors and editors are suffering from a non-stop activity flow that does not leave us any time to reflect, plan and digest.

How luxury brands can upgrade cross-channel services
February 8, 2018 By

Customer expectations are higher than they have ever been in a time when every industry’s landscape is fluid, constantly obstructed by change and inexorably chasing technology advancements. Nowhere is that more evident than in luxury retail.

6 developments set to transform digital advertising
February 7, 2018 By

Fueled by a plethora of technological advances and a shift in the ways that consumers are consuming content, there are an extraordinary amount of opportunities – albeit not without challenges – for reaching a larger base.

3 email tips for luxury retail
February 6, 2018 By

How many emails to send? Which products to promote from the catalog? What is the ideal length?

How not to handle a collaboration request for influencer marketing
February 2, 2018 By

Often times, pitching and the negotiation that comes out of it occurs behind closed doors, and consumers only see the outcome.

5 luxury marketing strategies for exclusivity
February 1, 2018 By

Your brand does not have to stand on a pedestal where everybody likes it. It only needs to be conditioned to suit very specific tastes. Sell excitement, not predictability.

New China luxury: How media needs to respond
January 31, 2018 By

The digital age has ushered in a shift away from traditional media towards immersive enablement in both the online and offline worlds.

Are you a trademark bully? How to avoid being and being labeled as one
January 30, 2018 By

Though often portrayed as a big guy versus little guy issue, that is a misleading premise. Big does not mean one is a bully, small does not mean one is being bullied.

How to build a brand that lasts a century
January 29, 2018 By

Deliberately niche brands that are betting against mass luxury and not following the retail race are on a winning streak.

Top 10 global consumer trends for 2018
January 25, 2018 By

Market researcher Euromonitor International revealed the Top 10 global consumer trends for 2018. Some trends may turn into entrenched consumer behavior, affecting the relationship between brands and consumers.

Chinese customer a demographic concept, not geographic
January 24, 2018 By

Luxury brands are usually 30 percent to 40 percent cheaper abroad than inside China, so Chinese customers love shopping abroad. But they are the same group of shoppers, no matter where they go, and brands should be aware of this reality.

Madaluxe Vault is stab at off-price luxury
January 23, 2018 By

Since 2010, MadaLuxe Group has partnered with Europe’s iconic luxury maisons seeking North American distribution for excess inventory and, in doing so, has grown its retail sales to more than $200 million.

Stop doing video for the sake of doing video
January 22, 2018 By

Publishers’ insistence on pushing short-term, quick cash infusion via video is the catalyst to long-term reader frustration. Here is how the video rush must shift.

How luxury brands can make effective use of chatbots
January 19, 2018 By

The vast majority of luxury brands that have experimented with bots have decided not to maintain them as an integrated part of their ongoing customer service.

Rethink experiential marketing
January 18, 2018 By

Enough is enough. Is it not time to rethink why we think it is so critical?

Disruption: 6 insights to help luxury brands stay desirable
January 17, 2018 By

A recent IPSOS survey found that 65 per cent of Europeans complain that the prices of luxury goods have increased significantly without any real quality improvements.

Luxury brands must learn from Louis Vuitton’s Volez Voguez Voyagez
January 12, 2018 By

It was an enchanting trip to the Louis Vuitton brand roots and a reminder of the innovation that is as integral to the brand, as is the creativity, quality and marketing.

Jewelers can open new market by courting gays, lesbians
January 10, 2018 By

When I was on the hunt for an engagement ring awhile back, I wanted something truly special for my fiancé. What I was not looking for was a diamond ring. Let us face it: Most men do not want to flash a diamond on their finger.

Louis Vuitton win against LVL XIII highlights fashion startup challenges in protecting designs
January 9, 2018 By

Louis Vuitton scored a win against startup sneaker manufacturer LVL XIII when a federal appeals court affirmed dismissal of the latter’s trade dress suit against Louis Vuitton.

Association of National Advertisers set for new legislative challenges
January 8, 2018 By

In 2018, ANA will remain highly vigilant and continue to protect advertisers’ constitutional rights.

What to expect in mobile advertising and location data
January 5, 2018 By

In 2018, machine learning will be applied to audiences and location data.