Is there a case for virtual influencers?

Published: October 2, 2018

Industry heavyweights such as Gucci and Prada have done it. But is the world ready to subscribe to ideals put forth by artificially constructed individuals?

Bridging online, offline key to selling luxury experience: Walpole

Published: October 2, 2018

While the majority of luxury purchases still take place offline, millennials buy 58 percent of their high-end goods via digital channels, making ecommerce and in-store technology key to reaching the next generations of luxury consumers.

Hong Kong housing market most overvalued: UBS

Published: October 2, 2018

As the housing boom continues, the potential for property bubbles is growing across the globe, with Hong Kong, Munich and Toronto the most at-risk markets.

How to attract the Chinese luxury traveler

Published: October 1, 2018

NEW YORK – As Chinese consumers now account for 32 percent of spend on luxury goods worldwide, even luxury retailers in the United States need to focus on catering to them by understanding the culture and adopting mobile trends.

Emotionally-connected consumers 3 times more valuable

Published: September 28, 2018

Creating a meaningful connection with consumers has an impact on retailers’ bottom lines, as a new report finds those who feel emotionally tied to a brand have a lifetime value that is 306 percent higher than those who are merely satisfied.