How 6 apps took their technologies mainstream

Published: September 2, 2016

The phenomenon of a technology struggling for relevance only to have one product or implementation spark a fire and suddenly find widespread adoption is not unique.

Advertisers must get over match rates in digital advertising

Published: September 2, 2016

By focusing too much on match rates and the deceptive value of instant results generated from a matched set, marketers are actually standing in their own way, preventing the next big wave in targeting cross-screen audiences from taking off.

ABCs of international expansion

Published: September 1, 2016

The world’s growing middle class is ready to spend hard-earned cash on luxuries and foreign products like never before. We have seen global abandonment rates, once the bane of on-the-go retailers, drop drastically since 2011.

How ad blocking affects the media ecosystem

Published: September 1, 2016

While ad blockers may seem useful for allowing us to browse the Web ad-free, they can have serious negative effects on those who are responsible for producing that free content.