Audi curates Manhattan replica to kick off urban planning event

Published: May 6, 2011

Audi of America is attempting to stir discussions about urban mobility and sustainability for the future by assisting in building a scale-model of New York in 2030 that will be on display during the Festival of New Ideas May 7-9.

FTC files suit to end abusive mobile marketing campaign

Published: May 6, 2011

In addition to reaching settlements with Google and Twitter over their privacy practices, the Federal Trade Commission has stepped into another digital arena and filed its first lawsuit challenging a mobile marketing campaign.

Why Amazon and Google have a leg-up on Apple

Published: May 2, 2011

In this rant, I am going to point out what many of you already know – that the iVerse is under attack. By whom, you ask? By a pairing of unlikely conspirators: Google and Amazon.

Four Seasons only luxury chain to crack top 10 Digital IQ Index

Published: April 29, 2011

There is a direct correlation between hotels that correctly implement digital media and consumers who are willing to pay high prices to stay in them despite the hits from the recession, according to a study from L2 Think Tank.

Why wireless carriers should control mobile advertising

Published: April 29, 2011

In the current Web-centric ecosystem for mobile advertising, carriers may not be a party to the transaction, but they may get blamed for privacy violations, scams or inappropriate or annoying ads.

Why apps will reign in the era of content

Published: April 28, 2011

While Web 2.0 delivered plenty of new tools and resources for creating and distributing content online, there was really only one new distribution channel – the browser. Not so now.

How Xbox Kinect adds a new dimension to marketing

Published: April 27, 2011

Few companies have taken the plunge to use Kinect as a marketing tool, but most have dragged their feet, preferring to let the technology mature rather than act as a guinea pig.