How to optimize SMS campaigns

Published: November 16, 2010

SMS-keyword-to-short-code campaigns are limiting because they often result in the mere collection of mobile phone numbers. How to get it right?

What should the mobile database record?

Published: November 12, 2010

As marketers consider the future of their databases, they have to think about mobile customers, just as much as they do social customers.

Location-based marketing is poised for growth

Published: November 11, 2010

Reaching consumers where they are most likely to commit to a purchase, at the precise time they are in the proximity? Why would marketers not jump at that opportunity?

How touch screen can transform your brand

Published: November 10, 2010

Back when touch-screen technology first came on the scene, it was hard to get past the sheer “cool” factor, and just how much fun it was to touch a screen and make a computer or MP3 player do whatever we wanted it to do with a single stroke of the finger.