How coupling QR codes with PURLs can increase response rate

Published: November 24, 2010

QR codes offer a number of benefits for marketers. One of the most important is the ability to tie together the print, mobile and Web channels to increase the response rates on multichannel marketing efforts.

How Twitter Analytics can benefit the luxury market

Published: November 23, 2010

Twitter’s new analytics product launches at year’s end and could be very helpful to luxury brands hoping to understand how to finetune and leverage their activity on the social media Web site.

Five reasons why your ecommerce site needs video

Published: November 22, 2010

Today, video is a must-have for e-businesses concerned with search engine optimization, conversion rates and brand identification – essentially, any company with an online presence and intent to succeed.

How mobile empowers traditional business models

Published: November 18, 2010

With the wow factor of mobile technologies often expressed via oversized stats or shiny gadgets, the key impact of information-on-the-go is how it empowers new, creative business models.