American Marketer


Lexus spurs aspiring designers to interpret the senses

August 11, 2014

“Ooho!” - an organic membrane to package liquids - by Skipping Rocks Lab in Spain “Ooho!” - an organic membrane to package liquids - by Skipping Rocks Lab in Spain from 2013


Toyota Corp.-owned Lexus is inviting designers to partake in its third annual Lexus Design Awards through Nov. 3.

This year's theme is "Senses," a deliberately broad subject that Lexus expects to draw a wide array of submissions. Last year, the brand received more than 1,100 submissions from 72 countries.

Changing minds

The Lexus Design Awards aim to provide support to up-and-coming designers by providing a dialogue with established designers and through exposure. Anyone is allowed to enter a concept, and 12 winners will be selected by a panel of six judges including the Pritzker Prize-winning Japanese architect Toyo Ito.

The 12 winners will be invited to present their work at the 2015 Milan Furniture Fair.

Four finalists will be chosen to work with mentors who will help them realize their prototypes of their concepts. Lexus will provide around $24,000 for this part of the campaign.

Ultimately, the panel of judges and mentors will select an overall winner.

Lexus Design Awards

Those interested in the contest can submit their idea here.

The theme for last year’s Design Award was curiosity (see story).