American Marketer
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Trifecta hitting slow-changing luxury business: Younger gen, tech and China
August 2, 2019 By

The new luxury consumer is a generation younger, lives in China and buys via WeChat. Not surprisingly, luxury brands need to fast embrace technology to deliver growth in a changing world.

Do’s and don’ts for creating Facebook and Instagram video ads
August 1, 2019 By

Facebook and Instagram video ads are akin to street performers – they occupy a crowded, bustling space, and if they do not capture attention quickly, potential audiences are fast to move along to the next, more exciting offering.

Luxury brands can bridge ecommerce and in-store retail
July 26, 2019 By

Online experiences already impact 40 percent of luxury purchases.

5 ways for home brands to connect with luxury homeowners
July 25, 2019 By

The biggest surprise found across a new study is that the most well-known premium brands in the home furnishings and appliance space are often not the ones that rise to the top of their category.

Kickstarter crowdfunding for tartan-making Scottish Black House Mill in final lap
July 24, 2019 By

The Black House Mill project will keep alive the art of making tartan locally, ensuring the craftsmanship skills are not lost and Scotland’s heritage is preserved, while debunking the fast-fashion trend worldwide that is destructive ecologically.

How Prada is transforming itself for the Digital Age
July 23, 2019 By

Italian luxury brand Prada is rethinking its business strategy, embarking on a bold overhaul of its digital offering that includes brand collaborations, ecommerce partnerships and dedicated online campaigns.

Defining the right social impact platform for your brand
July 22, 2019 By

it is important to understand that there is a spectrum when it comes to selecting your brand’s social cause. Consider using these three core categories when plotting your brand’s direction.

Ownership is dead. Long live usership
July 19, 2019 By

The dominant economic model of the last 150 years is coming to a close.

Luxury brands face crisis of meaning
July 18, 2019 By

Luxury brands keep trying to up their prices by elevating their luxury value proposition, but the foundation on which they are trying to build that perception is shifting out from under them as the consumer’s idea of luxury and theirs no longer align.

Brands face difficulty keeping in-house agency energized
July 17, 2019 By

A new report from the Association of National Advertisers claims that marketers with in-house agencies find it difficult to keep their creative teams energized, while also being concerned about their ability to attract top-tier creative talent.

B2C to Me2B: Convergence of privacy and personalization
July 17, 2019 By

Digitizing the traditional advertising model has precipitated some harmful effects.

Miley Cyrus case shows importance of early copyright registration
July 16, 2019 By

Copyright protection can be a useful tool for fashion and luxury goods companies to protect designs, especially jewelry, fabric and certain clothing designs.

How Gucci and Chanel are going mobile to enhance customer experience
July 12, 2019 By

Gucci and Chanel are using the power of customers’ smartphones to deliver more personalized and human-enhanced service to their customers.

How CMOs can boost customer retention
July 11, 2019 By

The length of the customer lifecycle is one of the reasons why marketers do not always have customer retention top of mind.

How to fix the problem in department stores
July 9, 2019 By

Department store retailing is a people business. It is not a product business anymore. What department stores sell now is less important than how they sell it: the shopping experience.

Tiffany’s 6-prong strategic plan for growth
July 8, 2019 By

Tiffany’s first-quarter 2019 results disappointed, with worldwide sales declining 3 percent to $1 billion and comparable sales off 5 percent. Net earnings disappointed too, down 12 percent from the previous year.

Most powerful marketing words your brand should use
July 5, 2019 By

These marketing words can help you boost conversions and improve the bottom line for your business.

Pre-owned luxury comes into its own as new retail channel
July 2, 2019 By

The resounding success of The RealReal’s NASDAQ IPO on June 28 gave new life to the authenticated pre-owned luxury market, marking another step toward eliminating the stigma associated with buying secondhand high-end goods.

Why the 3-way match cannot prevent overpayment or fraud
June 27, 2019 By

The three-way match, which cross-references invoices, purchase orders and receiving documents before issuing payments, has been considered the industry-standard procedure in accounts payable departments for years – until now.

Planning/budgeting cycles shrinking to 6-12 months from 3-5 years
June 26, 2019 By

NEW YORK – Given the digital speed of change, luxury marketers are seeing planning and budgeting cycles shrink as pressures to deliver and measure real-time ROI on marketing spend continue to grow. Interestingly, this does not preclude planning and budgeting for a few, select long-term “big ideas.”

Group of wealthy Americans writes open letter for wealth tax on super-rich
June 25, 2019 By

A group of wealthy Americans called on all candidates for president, whether they are Republicans or Democrats, to support a moderate wealth tax on the fortunes of the richest 1/10 of the richest 1 percent of Americans. Here is the letter in its entirety.