American Marketer


Microsoft Bing growth signals need to spread search marketing efforts

February 22, 2011



Microsoft's Bing has experienced significant growth, signaling the need for marketers to spread their search marketing efforts across multiple engines.

Experian Hitwise announced that Google accounted for nearly 68 percent of all United States searches in January. Microsoft’s search engine Bing grew 21 percent month-over-month in January.

“The search landscape is constantly evolving,” said Bill Tancer, general manager of global research at Experian, Costa Mesa, CA. “This latest increase in Bing’s share of executed search in the U.S. is a great reminder to search marketers of the importance of spreading search efforts across multiple engines including Yahoo Search, Bing and Google.”

Experian Hitwise is an online competitive intelligence service with numerous clients in different sectors, including financial services, media, travel and retail.

Bing’s search-result success rate last month was 81 percent. The remaining 70 search engines in the Hitwise search engine analysis report accounted for 5 percent of U.S. searches.

The data is based on 10 million U.S. Internet users.

Success rate

Bing and Yahoo Search achieved the highest success rates in January. For both search engines, more than 81 percent of searches executed resulted in a visit to a Web site.

Google achieved a success rate of 65 percent.

Longer search queries, from five to eight words long, were up five percent from December 2010 to January 2011.

Shorter search queries, from one to four words long, decreased one percent in the same time period.

Two-word searches were most popular, amounting to 23 percent of all queries.

Luxury marketers need to evaluate the search engine result page to ensure that searchers are finding relevant information. This will help decrease unsuccessful searches.

Even though Google continues to dominate, marketers should look into other engines such as Bing to reach different demographics.

“While Google continues to dominate the market by share,” Mr. Tancer said. “We have known for some time that other engines such as Bing offer slightly different demographics that might be attractive to marketers.

“For example, when comparing Google and Bing, we find that Bing has a greater representation of Females, over the age of 55, in mid-western states,” he said. “This is one example of where search audience differs.

“By leveraging Experian mosaic data we can find other nuanced differences that make other engines beyond Google attractive forums for marketers.”

What does this mean?

High-end companies need to take this into consideration, which developing their search engine optimization campaigns.

Even though Bing is still in last place among the top three search engines, it is catching up to Yahoo in the race.

Bing is increasingly becoming a viable platform, and luxury brands should take note.

“As we apply this learning to SEM, marketers should think about expanding broad-match terms to capture the increase in search granularity, as well as arm themselves with external search data such as Experian Hitwise’s Search Intelligence to understand how to best capture search traffic in light of longer queries,” Mr. Tancer said.

Final take

Microsoft Bing vs Google

1 thought on “Microsoft Bing growth signals need to spread search marketing efforts”

  1. …………………………………….Once Google cornered the bulk of the search market many search marketers stopped optimizing their sites for other engines but that could change when the Bing-Yahoo integration happens experts speaking at Search Marketing Expo said. Now were in a situation where were going to have Bing powering up to 30 percent of the market said Danny Sullivan a search engine expert and editor of the . Using current search-market-share statistics once Microsofts Bing search technology starts generating results for Yahoo Bing will account for about 30 percent of the search market he said.