June 18, 2014
The right attitude to mobile. Courtesy: Ralph Lauren Media LLC
Registration is open for the Mobile Research Summit: Insights 2014 on Thursday, June 19 featuring speakers from Forrester Research, Yankee Group, BIA/Kelsey, Nielsen, IBM Smarter Commerce, Keynote and e-tailing group. This daylong New York event is an immersion in invaluable market research and analysis focused on evolving consumer behavior and marketers’ adaptation to trends and changed needs via mobile use.
This is a must-attend for retailers, brands, financial services firms, marketers, ad agencies, publishers and market researchers looking to understand how consumer behavior is molded by mobile devices and how mobile strategy and tactics should evolve in the multichannel context including stores, online, catalog and call centers. At this exclusive summit organized by this publication at the National Museum of the American Indian directly across from Battery Park in Lower Manhattan, attendees will get to meet with the nation’s leading market researchers willing to share valuable research, analysis and best-practice tips for effective mobile-influenced retail and marketing. The conference, whose agenda is below, will be limited to only 150 delegates.
“As consumers turn to their mobile devices to run their everyday lives and work and play activities, the amount of data generated by evolving user behavior on mobile devices threatens to overwhelm brands, retailers, agencies and publishers,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Luxury Daily, New York.
“While plentiful data is available, what is missing is clear analysis of the mountain of information growing in girth each day,” he said. “Data without proper interpretation is just information, and not knowledge. This event is designed to add meaning to numbers and actions, hopefully leading to smarter marketing and retail decisions to acquire, retain and reactivate customers.”
This year’s agenda will cover how marketers need to take distinct approaches to tablets, smartphones and wearables; the evolving nature of mobile customer engagement; key trends driving location-targeted mobile advertising; and how familiarity with the mobile-ad-friendly shopper can increase sales.
Also under discussion will be tips to customize each mobile experience; a three-screen study in site performance as pertains to responsive Web design; and whether retailers are meeting the needs of connected customers.
The event is priced at $695 for the day, which includes breakfast, lunch and cocktails.
For sponsorship, please contact Jodie Solomon at ads@mobilemarketer.com.
The Mobile Research Summit: Insights 2014 is organized by Napean, parent to Luxury Daily and its sister titles, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily.
This year’s agenda can also be accessed on http://www.mobileresearchsummit.com.
The agenda is below.
Mobile Research Summit: Insights 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
A Napean presentation
National Museum of the American Indian
Diker Pavilion
One Bowling Green
New York, NY 10004 (directly across from Battery Park in Lower Manhattan)
7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
Welcome Address
Why Data and Analysis are Key to Marketing and Retail Influenced by Mobile
Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Commerce Daily and Mobile Marketer
8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Opening Keynote
Forrester Research: Tablets, Smartphones and Wearables: Why Are Marketers Still Doing Old Things?
When consumers first adopt a new technology, they do old things in new ways. When consumers internalize a technology, they begin to do new things. Too many companies approach tablets, smartphones and wearables with a common approach. They are doing old things in new ways. Doing so assumes that the needs and motivations of consumers do not change with usage of different devices. The strategy is flawed. Successful companies will balance the needs of consistency of experience across devices with the requirement to tailor services and content to the unique needs that consumers have with each device – for example, shopping on the go versus at home. Devices offer marketers context that cannot be ignored. This opening keynote session will explore:
• How consumers use tablets, mobile phones and wearables differently
• What are the key trends in mobile
• How marketers should approach each device with a unique strategy while maintaining consistency of experience and cost
• Best-practice tips for distinct marketing and retail approaches to tablets, smartphones and wearables
Julie Ask, vice president and principal analyst, Forrester Research
9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Yankee Group: The Changing Face of Mobile Customer Engagement
Prospering in an increasingly mobile world is no easy task. To succeed, retailers must view mobile as an opportunity and develop engagement-oriented strategies that allow them to move beyond showrooming. It is about understanding and leveraging mobile across the complete customer journey. Mobile is at the leading edge of changing the way that businesses interact with their clients. Not only is it presenting opportunities to do old things in innovative ways such as re-inventing CRM for retail clienteling, but also enabling new and completely revolutionary experiences such as contextual experiences delivered via beacons. The session will discuss:
• How retailers and brands face opportunities and challenges with changing consumer behavior
• The future of mobile customer engagement across the customer journey
• Proven approaches to ensure mobile engagement
• Best-practice tips for mobile customer engagement
Sheryl Kingstone, research director for mobile leadership strategies, Yankee Group
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
BIA/Kelsey: 5 Trends Driving Location-Targeted Mobile Advertising
As mobile continues to collide with local, brands and retailers have much to gain by uncovering the top value drivers and success factors in location-targeted media. The growing focus on linking timely advertisements and offers in proximity to the targeted consumer’s location – with opted-in permission, of course – will change the course of how marketers reach out to customers and prospects and woo them into stores. This session will offer:
• A proprietary mobile ad revenue forecast to help marketers make accurate decisions
• The biggest factors driving value creation
• An examination of technological disruption, user behavior and advertiser adoption
• Best-practice tips in extracting value from these trends and tactical takeaways for mobile marketers
Michael Boland, senior analyst and vice president of content, BIA/Kelsey
11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Nielsen: How Getting to Know the Mobile-Ad-Friendly Shopper Can Increase Sales
Brands and agencies can currently reach their audiences even more directly than ever through mobile outreach. But not all mobile users are created equal. Recent research shows there are distinct target groups who, based on their mobile use, life-stage and events, attitudes to advertising and reaction to messaging, can be defined as Mobile-Ad-Friendly Shoppers. For example, in the coming year, marketers can expect mobile-ad-friendly shoppers to be 33 percent more likely to plan to have a baby in the coming year, 34 percent more likely to plan to buy a home and 19 percent more likely to plan to look for a job. This session will highlight:
• Learnings to gain insights on Mobile-Ad-Friendly Shoppers – who they are and what changes are they are anticipating in the coming year
• How marketers can be sure that they are reaching these shoppers
• What characteristics of mobile advertising resonate with this audience
• Best-practice tips to boost sales tapping into these market’s mentality
Paul Kultgen, senior vice president for mobile and technology advertiser solutions, Nielsen
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Sponsored Lunch Break
1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
IBM Smarter Commerce: Customizing Each Mobile Experience
The importance of customization for marketers in this competitor landscape cannot be underestimated. Smart marketers know what bad marketing feels like: spam. But what does good marketing feel like? Good marketing is marketing that is so relevant that it is perceived as a service. This session will discuss:
• How marketing is not just about giving a discount or a promotion, but about getting just that right piece of content at the right time to inform the decision a consumer makes or get them to the next step in the buying cycle
• The opportunity for marketers to take a leadership role in delivering on a brand promise, starting with customization
• How marketers can customize each mobile experience
• Best-practice tips on mobile customization
Jay Henderson, strategy director for IBM Smarter Commerce, IBM
3:15 pm. – 3:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Keynote: Responsive Web Design: A Three-Screen Study in Site Performance
Adoption of Responsive Web Design (RWD) has grown dramatically as more companies grapple with the complexities of delivering optimized sites to visitors across a wide variety of browsers, screen sizes, device types and network connections. The promise of RWD as a technique to simplify the development and ongoing operation of a Web site has strong appeal for site owners that envision high-velocity innovation. What is more, the community fostering RWD approaches is both strong and passionate. Unfortunately, RWD is often implemented at the expense of performance. There are examples of sites – even from the desktop – that represent major steps backwards from the progress made over the past five years. Yet, RWD can be delivered in a way that delights users with a fast and compelling experience, regardless of viewpoint. This session will offer a comprehensive look at RWD and strategies for maintaining site performance, including:
• Highlighting common pitfalls in both responsive Web design strategy and execution
• Real-life examples of responsive techniques in practice
• Performance variation across screens
• User expectations versus what they are getting
• Commonalities between high performing sites and low performing sites
• Mobile networks and what marketers need to know
Ken Harker, senior consultant, Keynote
4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
E-tailing group: Preliminary Results from the 6th Annual Mobile Shopping Survey
Are retailers meeting the demands of connected consumers? The jury is still out on that question. Starting with the consumer point of view, this session will focus on just-released research highlights on mobile behavior, satisfaction with today’s research and buying experiences and the tools and tactics that ultimately drive shopping. Also discussed will be topics such as:
• Early results from the e-tailing group’s 6th Annual Mobile Shopping Survey and how 50 retailers stacked up along the critical path to purchase
• Data: From product search to purchasing as well as connecting to the retail store, 178 metrics were evaluated to see if retailers are adequately evolving and making the grade
• Implications of evolving consumer behavior for brands and retailers
• Best-practice tips to meet the demands of connected consumers
Lauren Freedman, president, e-tailing group
5:15 p.m.
Raffle for Dom Perignon
5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sponsored Cocktail Hour
Hotels in the Lower Manhattan neighborhood:
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel New York City - Financial District
8 Stone Street, New York, NY 10004; tel: 212-480-9100
Please click here for the Web site
Two West Street, New York, NY 10004; tel: 212-344-0800
Please click here for the Web site
85 West Street at Albany Street, New York, NY 10006; tel: 212-385-4900
Please click here for the Web site
W New York Downtown, 123 Washington Street (entrance on Albany Street), New York, NY 10006; tel: 646-826-8600
Please click here for the Web site
Millennium Hilton
55 Church Street, New York, NY 10007; tel: 212-693-2001
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