March 8, 2018
Gucci empowers women to incite change. Image credit: Gucci.
Italian fashion label Gucci is taking a poignant approach to support the gender that gives its pieces life in an International Women's Day initiative.
As part of Gucci's “Chime for Change,” a campaign to strengthen education, health and justice for women and girls around the world, the brand is developing a series of artworks in support of women's equality. Gucci's new pieces and imagery will feature words penned by poet Cloe Wade.
Chime for Change
"We do not change the world when we whisper we change it when we roar,” Ms. Wade's words read, encouraging women all over the world to ban together and force forward the change they want to see.
A series of poetry and phrases simliar to this, such as "Women of the world: We see you, we hear you, we are you," and "How will you use your voice today?" also feature in the effort.
Gucci believes emboldening women to stand up for themselves will be the start to seeing real change.
The words appear as an illustration on virtual and physical posters. The campaign will be featured on Gucci's and Chime for Change's social platforms.
As well as the social campaign, New York's Time Square will feature the posters on its billboards. Publications such as The New York Times, The Financial Times, La Repubblica and Il Corriere della Sera will also highlight the campaign and showcase its illustrations.
Chime for Change previously advanced its mission of bettering women’s lives by organizing a hackathon at Facebook’s California headquarters.
The third event of its kind, the Chimehack 3 brought together hackers, issue experts and nonprofit leaders in a collective effort to develop technology that promotes gender equality and combats violence against women. The Chimehack was co-hosted by Facebook and Global Citizen (see more).
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