September 11, 2019
Back-to-school and Prime Day are key litmus tests for getting holiday marketing and retail right based on mobile user journey data. Image credit: Ogury
The winter holiday season is fast approaching, which means the holiday opportunity is as well. Getting mobile marketing and mcommerce right is key.
This free webinar from American Marketer will take a look-back at the recent retail holidays, including back-to-school and Prime Day, to see where users spent their time.
The webinar will also examine how mobile user journey data can reveal when marketers should focus their holiday marketing strategies, as well who they should attract to their brand.
In this hour-long free webinar at 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET (New York time) on Thursday, Sept. 19, an expert will discuss how to:
Speaker: Kevin Fitzgerald, U.S. head of insights, Ogury
Moderator: Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, American Marketer
Webinar attendees can request a copy of the presentation deck.
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